Comments on Profile Post by chickeneer

  1. chickeneer
    The update will take time. I am anticipating an hour down time, more or less. So I would not make plans around any sort of Update Event. It will come when it comes.
    Mar 12, 2020
  2. chickeneer
    To be entirely clear. It could be as early as the 14th. Or several days. Not withholding information. We also do not know.
    Mar 12, 2020
  3. FadedMartian
    YEEEEHOOOO i so need this distraction from teh medias constant spamming of the coronavirus
    Mar 13, 2020
  4. TheFryedmans
    Yeet giving me time to find mods that work with 1.15!

    And doing mineing of my 9x9 hole! 🕳
    Mar 13, 2020