Comments on Profile Post by Sazukemono

  1. Gaming_Comander
    So what about when an unstoppable force meets an in moveable object lol
    Mar 19, 2019
  2. Gaming_Comander
    Just kidding, it's very poetic the way I interpreted it and I must say I was a bit inspired
    Mar 19, 2019
  3. Sazukemono
    Find a way around it, I guess. :P that's the point where strategy and tactics kick in
    Mar 19, 2019
  4. Sazukemono
    I liked the way you took it and extended it!
    Mar 19, 2019
  5. Gaming_Comander
    Life for me right now has been like an out of order train. It's supposed to go but it's stopped right now. I'm working on repair my train to get it moving and back on track 😀
    Mar 19, 2019