Comments on Profile Post by Tbird1128

  1. Krysyy
    Does her outlook have any failsafe email account it's linked to? Something that you can say 'forgot password' and it would send a code to the other email?
    Feb 24, 2019
  2. Tbird1128
    I don't know for sure. I'll ask her. I've been voting so she doesn't go derelict.
    Feb 24, 2019
  3. Krysyy
    Send me her username and I can take care of the derelict issue
    Feb 24, 2019
  4. Tbird1128
    Thank you so much!
    Feb 24, 2019
    Try to change the emails password have her send the reset thing to your email cuz your the one helping her
    Feb 24, 2019
  6. triphora
    I have the same problem with one of my alts @Tbird, except I know the password, as well as the gift card code used to redeem it. I sent in a ticket in January but they still haven't replied.
    Mar 2, 2019
  7. Tbird1128
    Sorry to hear that wafflecoffee. I am hoping we can get the email unlocked and get her account info.
    Mar 2, 2019
  8. triphora
    **I have the Mojang password, not the email password. Sorry if I phrased that wrong.
    Mar 2, 2019