Comments on Profile Post by blackManLover13

  1. blackManLover13
    It took me like a month to even find the forums. It's almost confusing how you're already well-known, at this rate you'll probably surpass my rank in another week! But here's a follow (because why not?), hope to see you in game because with this forum motivation in game you'll probably have a mall by tommorow lol.
    Feb 8, 2019
  2. blackManLover13
    Also sorry it was two posts (now 3 lol), post was more than 450 characters
    Feb 8, 2019
  3. jeniusplay
    Thank you!!! The response has been amazing, but I believe that's more a testament to the amazing community that EMC than anything I've done!

    I'm on the game most days but I've had a few years out of Minecraft before this so I'm rusty! I'm pretty much just chopping trees in my res, replanting them, and spending 15 minutes in Wasteland before crawling to town with half a heart haha.
    Feb 9, 2019
  4. jeniusplay
    How long have you been on EMC?
    Feb 9, 2019
  5. blackManLover13
    151 days, 13 hours
    Feb 9, 2019
  6. jeniusplay
    Nice, you've got tonnes of TEXP in only 5 months, not sure I'd be able to match that haha.
    Feb 9, 2019