Comments on Profile Post by Alukiann

  1. MoreMoople
    Yup. I'm still tempted to go back and try to finish an island that I never completed. xD
    Jan 20, 2019
  2. Alukiann
    And then you realize it was really easy and you had like one step left.
    Jan 20, 2019
  3. CrackpotCreator
    That damn S.O.S island always got the better of me. Tbh I still play it for maybe 10 minutes every year when I get bored.
    Feb 5, 2019
  4. Alukiann
    LOL. I remember that island. I searched up a tutorial on that one and a few others, but it's more fun to figure it out on your own tbh...
    Feb 6, 2019