Comments on Profile Post by Tbird1128

  1. CoffeeAffinity
    xD lol, Missy queen of the media was onto her but she still missed the mark.
    Jan 6, 2019
  2. Tbird1128
    Oh Wow!
    Jan 6, 2019
  3. ChespinLover77
    I'm so pwoud ! Also there is a theory that her glasses have to do with it. They're not regular glasses but I forget what they do exactly.
    Jan 7, 2019
  4. ChespinLover77
    They help to not use the xray vision, but there was another factor
    Jan 7, 2019
  5. Krysyy
    Lol, I never noticed the earrings. I'll have to rewatch some and see what else I missed.
    Jan 7, 2019