Comments on Profile Post by Stnywitness

  1. Slvr
    If you do decide you want to sell them, I'd avoid selling a large lot together. You tend to get undershot that way because players focus on one or two items and judge the entire value on that, or are unwilling to pay the price of the entire lot. So I'd say auction/sell the stuff separately :)
    Oct 26, 2018
  2. Slvr
    Not that long ago I did a selling thread of promos and I got quite a pretty penny for all of it.
    Oct 26, 2018
  3. fadedmartian
    I agree wit Slvr. In my previous experiences, auctioning, especially while school in session for many, is extremely risky, and you will almost never get the same amount when compared to making a selling thread.
    Oct 26, 2018
  4. Stnywitness
    Yeah...I know. I've had that happen too... lol.
    Well...who knows what I'll decide. Thanks for the feedback though.
    Oct 26, 2018