Comments on Profile Post by sivaDtasivaD

  1. shavingfoam
    Dang it daver!!! And I can't believe it's not butter!!!
    Sep 29, 2018
  2. sivaDtasivaD
    Dang it Foamy!! When was butter involved?!!! Unless this is a joke I don't get!!!
    Sep 30, 2018
  3. shavingfoam
    Sep 30, 2018
  4. sivaDtasivaD
    Dang it Foamer!! I'm only 14 and I already have back problems due to practicing on the piano for too long since piano benches have no back rest, so how could YOU feel old, when most people don't get mild back problems until they're an elder??? (No offense if that offends you in any way)!!!
    Sep 30, 2018
  5. shavingfoam
    Dang it daver!!! Take a break!!!
    Oct 1, 2018
  6. sivaDtasivaD
    Take it Foamer!! Why take a break when I've made it nearly 8 years (nearly half my life) on the piano???
    Oct 1, 2018
  7. shavingfoam
    Dang it daver!! Stop breaking your back you need to rest it a little bit!!!
    Oct 2, 2018
  8. sivaDtasivaD
    Dang it Foamer!!! Could've told me that before I did squats with proper form yesterday!!!
    Oct 2, 2018
  9. shavingfoam
    Dang it daver!! Do some push ups too!!!
    Oct 2, 2018
  10. sivaDtasivaD
    Dang it Foamer!! We did the push ups test in P.E. two days ago!!! We were supposed to run the mile yesterday, but it was raining xD So we did trunk lift. :D
    Oct 3, 2018
  11. shavingfoam
    Dang it daver!! You never told me you were an elephant!!!
    Oct 3, 2018
  12. sivaDtasivaD
    Dang it Foamer!! It's to see how high you can raise your head using your neck muscles while laying down on your stomach!!! I got 11 inches, so there's no way I'm an elephant!!!
    Oct 3, 2018