Comments on Profile Post by ArkonXT

  1. ArkonXT
    for those who don't know, one of those 60mph storm markers is over the city i live in...
    Sep 3, 2018
  2. CoffeeAffinity
    Oof, careful out there! Also I just can’t help but to say, because it’s called Gordon, that storm was probably concocted by Mr. Ramsey’s built up rage from Hell’s Kitchen and his other rageful shows.
    Sep 3, 2018
  3. CoffeeAffinity
    *Yeah, joking about a storm, verrry appropriate dude*
    Sep 3, 2018
  4. ArkonXT
    ok 1. thanks 2. your joke is so true tho 3. please hope that half the city doesn't get buried underwater again
    Sep 3, 2018
  5. CoffeeAffinity
    It’s been so unfortunate the number of storms and hurricanes that blew through the various areas of the world and the amount of damage each caused. I hope all areas being effected by the storm don’t face substantial damage, and flooding isn’t severe.
    Sep 3, 2018
  6. ArkonXT
    i can imagine everywhere else will be perfectly fine after, but as for us.... i'm not so sure.
    Sep 3, 2018