Comments on Profile Post by AncientTower

  1. CoffeeAffinity
    Nuuu horseys! Hopefully they can try again on another day. Kinda unrelated but today is National Dog day, may the puppers flourish.
    Aug 26, 2018
  2. Roslyn
    Owning a horse sounds cool but sounds like a lot of maintenance
    Aug 26, 2018
  3. CoffeeAffinity
    You go that right, and the community that revolves it are just awful.
    Aug 26, 2018
  4. AncientTower
    I didn’t know it was national dog day. I’ll have to get my dog a treat.
    I know horse ownership is a lot. I was gonna adopt one or two and lend them to our local horse physical/emotional therapy farm. They take care of the horses and everything.
    Aug 26, 2018