Comments on Profile Post by Big__Kev

  1. charlyeee
    yeah, so it's not just me! it says i already voted and can vote again in 10 hours and 24 minutes?? tis annoying
    Aug 15, 2018
  2. charlyeee
    extra note: the minutes value keeps increasing. at first it was 10h18m, then 10h24m, now 10h27m.
    Aug 15, 2018
  3. Big__Kev
    Thank god!
    I vote on top g for all my accounts every 24 hours and today I cannot do any haha
    Aug 15, 2018
  4. Big__Kev
    Mine is 10 hrs and 36 and has stayed the same
    Aug 15, 2018
  5. Otus_NigRum
    It says i already voted
    Aug 15, 2018
  6. MoreMoople
    I have also had this issue! First off, the captchas have been messed up and not showing correctly, but second, it has started saying that I've already voted and can vote again "in 16 hours" etc
    Aug 16, 2018