Comments on Profile Post by Sazukemono

  1. Sazukemono
    'Playing' is like candyfloss: enjoyable, but lacking substance. 'Working' can be like a hamster spinning in its wheel; feeling like you're being productive, but really you've gone nowhere. Finding a way to apply yourself and fulfill your potential is a rewarding and productive use of time. And, if you apply yourself mindfully and creatively, you can do all three at once.
    Jul 16, 2018
  2. Rhyblet
    Meh, I'm waiting for the school year to start back up before I deal with potential again :p
    Jul 16, 2018
  3. MoreMoople
    *looks at watch* I'll staaaart.... Wednesday (may need poking to get off discord and everything else)
    Jul 16, 2018
  4. Sazukemono
    It's more than just about scholarly potential, rhy 😛 - think bigger! 😄

    I'm willing to remind ya moops 😜 just like how we do for other things.... Wherein I'm currently a pretzel 🙄
    Jul 16, 2018
  5. MoreMoople
    Teehee, that would be great! *Untwists pretzel*
    Jul 16, 2018
  6. Rhyblet
    Bigger? What, graduation?
    Jul 16, 2018