Comments on Profile Post by AversionDragon

  1. Tbird1128
    There has been a lot of this happening. Cakester2OOO recently got hacked and they bought a realm on his account. I think it took him about 12 hours to fix it. Sorry this happened to you. Hope to see you back ingame soon :)
    Jul 2, 2018
  2. AversionDragon
    My guess as to what this guy is doing is he’s picking and looking through the EMC members accounts and spotting out players with weaker and easier to crack passwords so he can take over their accounts and either sell them or offer them up as “alt accounts” on YouTube likely.
    Jul 2, 2018
  3. Tbird1128
    Probably. Sad little twit. Karma will come back on him.
    Jul 2, 2018
  4. D_ceased
    I actually highly support this theory, as I looked Phoe's username up on NameMC since I figured she was hinting at that -- the hacker literally reduced her account name to a number, as if it was meant to be "sold off" or something
    Jul 4, 2018