Comments on Profile Post by levyhalmen

  1. Equinox_Boss
    Hahah I know! Unfortunately I will not be around to like all your posts, but hopefully you will make some great work with that Perm Voucher. Best of luck!
    May 24, 2018
  2. levyhalmen
    When my residences get swapped around (aka I buy another Diamond Voucher.), I will have much more confidence in building my head parkour courses!
    Why, perhaps, art thou leaving? You, too, are a long time EMC member.
    May 24, 2018
  3. Equinox_Boss
    Life. Gotta focus on that. I won't forget the awesome people I've met on EMC tho! :D
    May 25, 2018
  4. levyhalmen
    Alright, do stop by every now and again. You still have parkour courses to traverse. I have made one, and I hope to finish up the rest by mid-summer.
    May 25, 2018