Comments on Profile Post by Sazukemono

  1. Sazukemono
    for the interested/curious: currently I play a Gnome ninja, with plans to get levels in alchemist and daggermark - all your hamstrings are mine to slice ^_~*
    May 20, 2018
  2. __Devil_
    From humble fisherman in Minecraft, to deadly and sneaky Gnome ninja. xD
    May 20, 2018
  3. EmperorMelon
    my dwarven bard will hail you in game
    May 20, 2018
  4. Sazukemono
    nailed all my stealth checks! (except for that one after sniping a GIANT bee.... it's hard to hide in the middle of a plain, even if the grass is taller than me)
    May 21, 2018
  5. Sazukemono
    also, outsiders don't really like getting 'sneak attack'ed - but he died in the end, so that's all that matters xD that guy should definitely have counted as a mini-(mini)-boss for us! on the plus side, we got loads of XP from it :P (two of us nearly died, though, so that was fun hahaha)
    May 21, 2018