mm mostly "not very good reasons" - it boils down to a mix of "don't really know what i'm doing", "nothing else worked", "only needed a quick record -> upload to YT method"
now that i'm getting back into recording things that actually need editing... I need to reconfigure my settings so it doesn't look like a potato recorded it when I record with mp4 :P
yeah :( i'm investigating some stuff, to see if I can tell what went wrong, and any other methods I might be able to use to get a workable video ... but I don't have high hopes for this thing. After a whole day of messing with it, i'm kinda tired of fighting it rn xD
we'll see what happens with it tomorrow; whether things behave nicely or remain stubbornly broken, i've no clue but i'm hoping for the "resolves nicely" angle.
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