Comments on Profile Post by Trucker1

  1. ChespinLover77
    Ouch D; if you need anythin lemme know, I'll see what I can do ^-^/
    Nov 29, 2017
  2. MoreMoople
    Aw, sorry to hear that. I lost my res and everything in Feb 2016. I cried over it a little bit, but in the end it worked out for the better. I am terrible at letting go of stuff that I have put great effort into, whether virtual or not. Starting over fresh while it was still saddening, has helped me become a better builder because I had a whole fresh canvas.
    Nov 29, 2017
  3. MoreMoople
    It also made me a better person as I learned lessons along the way. Like ches said, if you need anything, we're happy to help ya with it. =)
    Nov 29, 2017
  4. Tbird1128
    If you need anything shoot me a pm Ill be glad to help if I can.
    Nov 29, 2017
  5. MoreMoople
    Nov 30, 2017