Comments on Profile Post by harpyLemons

  1. ToddV
    I am very aware of that verse, but thank you. With intelligent design behind everything in our world animals and plants have been designed to live and adapt to this ever changing world. When you look at the Bible, Job for example when he was in affliction it doesn't mention how LONG he was afflicted. No matter how many pray, or how you live your life you can't earn favor with God.
    Jan 3, 2018
  2. ToddV
    Romans 2:11 I've studied the Bible and have watched many shows where they divulge into God's word, and everything is in God's time. We can't rush a lesson that is being taught, it must be taught in the appropriate amount of time. A lot is basically just discipline and faith when it comes down to it.
    Jan 3, 2018
  3. ToddV
    My mom would always tell me: For my people will perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 that verse always stuck with me, and it couldn't be more right. I hope you have a good new year, and God bless your soul.
    Jan 3, 2018
  4. ToddV
    After much though about what I said up above, I just want to say don't be discouraged to pray or pray for others. I only meant to give you an idea of how to see life and circumstances from another perspective. Praying is very important in your relationship with God. I hope you understand, and thank you.
    Jan 16, 2018