Comments on Profile Post by PhilsHousePlant

  1. AverageWalrus
    I dont know much about strawberries, but I have a little strawberry plant in the corner of the backyard that comes back year after year. I dont usually get that many berries off of it though, as I dont really weed that area and etc. I do have a huge sage plant though, planted it as a tiny little plant back in 2009 or so, now its this huge bush
    Aug 12, 2017
  2. Eviltoade
    My advice is be patient - as you know, the main plant will grow runners which turn into new plants. It can take a few years to actually get a good row of strawberries unfortunately
    Aug 12, 2017
  3. DorianPavus_
    Here is my advice for you: water it, look at it, wait for it, keep in it sunny are, water it again and keep looking at it.
    Do not heed my advice for when I planted strawberries they all died like all my other plants :)
    Aug 12, 2017
  4. ChespinLover77
    Don't let the birbs eat dem
    Aug 12, 2017
  5. ChespinLover77
    I kbiw from expirence, they will eat them xc
    Aug 12, 2017