Comments on Profile Post by ChespinLover77

  1. PseudoDistant
    Yes he is. What was I just thinking...
    May 25, 2017
  2. PseudoDistant
    May 25, 2017
  3. PseudoDistant
    ! He looks like my dog, Osito!!!!!! (Only visible difference would be that 'sito has a shorter muzzle, otherwise I can't see much of a difference!
    May 25, 2017
  4. PseudoDistant
    oH gOlLY puRpLE sHEp seEs a wHItE ppuRpLE sHEp oN ThE CeILiNg thInG!
    May 25, 2017
  5. ChespinLover77
    May 25, 2017