Comments on Profile Post by EnderMagic1

  1. Eviltoade
    Well you have been playing for like 2 years now - excitement comes and goes you know? :)
    May 7, 2017
  2. Tuqueque
    May 7, 2017
  3. ChickenDice
    I'm feeling a bit of this too. Just doesn't have the same spark as it use to for me but to be fair it does come and go for me. Try taking a small break that way when you get back you have a lot to catch up on and relearn. Sounds simple but it usually works for me
    May 7, 2017
  4. Tuqueque
    Its been 5 months since last MC update, you don't have anything new to do, so you are waiting in agony without satisfying your need to do stuff. This makes you see the world negatively and empty.
    May 7, 2017
  5. ChespinLover77
    Well I'm pretty new to 11.1 since I did leave right after it came out lol
    May 7, 2017
  6. EnderMagic1
    @tuf actually I could do a million things right now... But I don't have the motivation/drive. Idk
    May 8, 2017
  7. PseudoDistant
    Don't worry, Minecraft 1.12 isn't too far off. Just hang in there okay. I feel your pain.
    May 8, 2017