Comments on Profile Post by AncientTower

  1. FalloutHood55
    I'll take that D.C. For 5k and then I'll give u some horses
    Mar 4, 2017
  2. jkjkjk182
    I feel like there is a large difference in price between a dc of heads and a 136+ horse.
    Mar 4, 2017
  3. AncientTower
  4. jkjkjk182
    Ahh I figured you were just talking about generic player heads.
    Mar 4, 2017
  5. PseudoDistant
    how do you get player heads without PvP?
    Apr 2, 2017
  6. AncientTower
    Ah! Well player shops. Players sell heads. Maybe not their own but sometimes they do. If you're looking to get your own head. Then just go to the pvp arena when no one is there and die in lava until you get as many of your heads as you want. Also if you don't want to pvp someone to just to get their head. Asking for a trade. Their head for your head or maybe just ask them if you can buy their head.
    Apr 3, 2017