Comments on Profile Post by MattieTheSpud

  1. PseudoDistant
    What... WHAT? I'm not a n00b, can you 1v1 the Wither with no armor? Or 1v5 creepers without any sword at all? Can you kill an ender dragon without swords or armor? Can you?
    May 25, 2017
  2. PseudoDistant
    *mutters*call me a n00b!*/mutters*
    May 25, 2017
  3. PseudoDistant
    Wait, is nub an alternate spelling of n00b, Oh My FredBear it isn't is it? I am so sorry!
    May 25, 2017
  4. MattieTheSpud
    yes, yes, yes, and yes.
    May 25, 2017