Comments on Profile Post by ChespinLover77

  1. Tigerstar
    I don't really know my relatives, so does that mean I'm heartless? :(
    Jan 25, 2017
  2. NuclearBobomb
    What if you never met them?
    Jan 25, 2017
  3. Slvr
    This is simply not true, and I can't express it enough. If you hardly know or relate to the person, then you won't be as affected as someone who was close to them.
    Jan 25, 2017
  4. Slvr
    My mother was a wreck over her sister (my aunt) passing, while I simply felt awkward trying to comfort her. It didn't really bother me. Our dog, on the other hand, who had been around and with us since I was six, his death killed me. It's all very relative. Well wishes to you. :)
    Jan 25, 2017
  5. ChespinLover77
    Slvr, I do agree with you on this. I just didn't really form a connection with mine. My sister barley even saw her either but apparently that was enough for her. All people are different I suppose.
    Jan 25, 2017