Comments on Profile Post by bitemenow15

  1. AdinD
    Wait what why was she banned? I haven't played in years and was surprised I couldn't find her.
    Feb 17, 2017
  2. bitemenow15
    idk mang i missed you too and tried voting for you for a while cause you had mah statue :P
    Feb 17, 2017
  3. AdinD
    Oh haha I remember those. All my Smp7 res appear to be gone now so I claimed 4 on smp8 and still can get a 5th. I also traded for a perm derelict voucher. Is it worth paying 3.5mil for a 6th res before I use it?
    Feb 17, 2017
  4. bitemenow15
    if you are planning on using all of that space then yes :P
    Feb 17, 2017