Am I the only person that thinks there are too many Nvidia gpu's coming out? 1050, 1050 ti, 1060 3GB, 1060 6G, 1070, 1080, (rumored) 1080 ti, Titan X(P)
The current 950 can run without additional power :)
meh I like variety ; but of those the only ones I could afford rn (lol I get rich after building a PC gg) with a system that wouldn't bottleneck it alongside would be the 1060 and 1070, the rest are probably too weak for my liking / compared to the RX 480 I already own hehe
I didn't even know recent cards could run without the added power cable... last PC I owned like that featured ATI Radeon 5200 lol
I doubt that the 1050 or the ti would most likely perform at or less than a 480. The RX's d12 performance is amazing. The 1060 3GB is supposed to compete with the 480, while the 1050 and 1050 ti will compete with the RX 460 and 470.
Actually my friend got a 1050 Ti to replace the GTX 460 SLI I gave her a few years ago. Quite capable of getting 80 FPS on high settings in most games she has.
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