Comments on Profile Post by galazeek

  1. ToddV
    Same as last time we spoke. Waiting patiently for change.
    Hope all is well my friend!
    Aug 5, 2016
  2. galazeek
    Can we have an ETA of when you think you'll be back to EMC? I've had a great summer so far, how has yours been?
    Aug 5, 2016
  3. ToddV
    Time is going by faster than expected, and progress is taking longer than planned. Tbh, until I get out of this house, and move into my new mold free home then begin my detox protocol I'm guessing I HOPE I will be in my new home by September.
    Aug 6, 2016
  4. ToddV
    Hopefully the doctor gives me this detox medicine called Colestyramine, and I start a strict diet to kill all the toxic mold living in my body and repair my immune system. I'm hoping before the year ends..really. I even had to get rid of our precious family cat because I can't breathe very good and the cat's food and liter box makes me sicker. ~ Summer has been nice so far besides dealing with my health.
    Aug 6, 2016
  5. ToddV
    My fiance and I put the cat at her father's house because we didn't want to give him away to a complete stranger. The cat is like a family member. Anyway I truly believe that once I get out of this house I'm living in, and start doing the detox that I should be back to the old Todd again. I'm just trying to stay positive! I miss everyone here too. I'm glad to have met you all.
    Aug 6, 2016
  6. eeasonq
    Stay strong Todd <3
    Aug 15, 2016