Comments on Profile Post by mastapasta2000

  1. Tah2
    It looks somewhat natural.
    Jul 31, 2016
  2. ColPun
    I would recommend adding some greenery around the lake, and maybe change some blocks inside of it so that's not all dirt. Other than that it looks pretty natural.
    Jul 31, 2016
  3. mastapasta2000
    slash, I will definitely be adding greenery, this is part of my garden that I am creating. I just built the lake first so I would have something to work off of. Thanks for the tip about the materials inside the lake, I will definitely do that. It skipped my mind completely.
    Jul 31, 2016
  4. mastapasta2000
    Jul 31, 2016
  5. mastapasta2000
    Jul 31, 2016
  6. ColPun
    It does look better. Something you could try is just adding some single sand blocks in random places, not just in big piles. You could also add some mossy cobblestone to the waterfall too. It looks pretty good though.
    Jul 31, 2016
  7. mastapasta2000
    Thanks, also forgot about the mossy cobble lmao
    Jul 31, 2016