Comments on Profile Post by synth_apparition

  1. NetherSpecter
    A wizard is never late. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
    May 15, 2016
  2. synth_apparition
    I need to recite that quote to this dude in my history class who runs in saying 'Gandalf' and gets shouted at by our teacher for being late lol.
    May 15, 2016
  3. NetherSpecter
    xD That's friggin genius.
    May 15, 2016
  4. synth_apparition
    He ran in with a big stick today and shouted "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!". Our History teacher said "oi man, you're late". He recited this exact quote. Then he made 'The Battle for Middle-Earth begins!' jokes and skit Frodo when we were doing a Science vs. Religion thing. Teacher played this at the end of the lesson lol:
    May 16, 2016
  5. NetherSpecter
    You are now the class' favorite. Congratulation.
    May 16, 2016