Comments on Profile Post by 820327

  1. jkjkjk182
    If your goal is to be hated by 99% of the populace, this may be the mode of transportation for you lol.
    Apr 28, 2016
  2. BurgerKnight
    Apr 28, 2016
  3. 820327
    not sure what you mean jk, it comes down to the driver not the bike community as a whole as alot of bikers are not crazy drivers at least not here where i live. and plus that is a myth that all bikers are horrible drivers lol
    Apr 28, 2016
  4. 820327
    also it is just a secondary mode of transportation i own a car, it would end up being just something for the weekends or whenever i would have the time really. just not sure if that is what you were getting at or not XD
    Apr 28, 2016
  5. MiphaOfTheZora
    I'm found of them personally. Though you need to weigh the pros and cons, of course. My husband owned some but once we had our son decided to er on the side of caution and sell it. Having survivedinner 5 wrecks so far. Thank god for jackets with spine plates. Though I have to say each wreck was due to other cars hitting him. People don't watch out of bikes to well.
    Apr 29, 2016
  6. MiphaOfTheZora
    Stupid aurocorrect. . *survived. Really it bios down to where you live. If theres enough *weekend warriors * who ride there, you should be ok. But I highly recommend finding a buddy to ride with you. 2 bikers are "easier" to see.
    Apr 29, 2016
  7. jkjkjk182
    I mainly meant that sport bikers are disliked by many because a few of them ride like complete tools. Of course, many car drivers drive like tools but for some reason public opinion doesn't work the same on them lol.
    Apr 29, 2016
  8. 820327
    good points all around. i do actually have a good friend through work that wants to get a bike as well and he knows of a few friends that have their own so we would always be out biking together. as far as riding, i personally wont be a crazy rider i have lots to lose and i would rather not get a ticket or get in a crash. better safe than sorry i always say
    Apr 29, 2016
  9. MiphaOfTheZora
    I can't put enough emphasis on getting a jacket with plating. Here's a link to sorta what I mean.
    The jacket my husband has covers over all the plates and looks nicer. But despite how warm he might get wearing it during a Texas summer, he never rode without it. And I'm not exaggerating when I say it saved his life a few times.
    Apr 29, 2016
  10. MiphaOfTheZora
    So please put a good chunk of change aside for good gear. I've seen what happens first hand if you don't.
    Apr 29, 2016
  11. BurgerKnight
    From my coworker: if you want to ride actively, good gear should cost roughly a the equivalent of 1/3 of the bike.
    Apr 30, 2016
  12. 820327
    most def. i was really going to get gear especially a helmet even though law says its not required. better safe than sorry and without a helmet around here is just pretty stupid
    Apr 30, 2016
  13. 820327
    thanks for all of the comments, they are much appreciated
    Apr 30, 2016