Comments on Profile Post by CaptainFoxy_

  1. NuclearBobomb
    There is already a feature that lets u limit who views profiles....
    Apr 20, 2016
  2. Krysyy
    If someone is harrassing you, please let me know about it. There is a site ban that can be issued if it is required.
    Apr 20, 2016
  3. CoffeeAffinity
    I totally agree with you on the pvp community, in general I despise the majority. Though I do find enjoyment in watching youtubers creaming players left and right, that's one thing I don't want to be a part of. When I first got minecraft, the first server I played was a pvp faction server. It was fun for a short time, but then I just grew to hate it.
    Apr 26, 2016
  4. CoffeeAffinity
    Also, camping at spawn locations, killing the same player repeated times even when they have nothing? Also the horses... they hate the horses. I've seen some horrible things they do to them.
    Apr 26, 2016