Comments on Profile Post by Krysyy

  1. ThaKloned
    ... 25 C .. really? That's a perfect day in Canada xD
    Apr 6, 2016
  2. ThaKloned
    Also now that you have official taken a Moose you must now use Canadian terms. It's in the rule book!
    Apr 6, 2016
  3. Gibabyte
    77 is beautiful, I don't know what you're talking about =P You're from texas too no? Isn't it hot there?
    Apr 6, 2016
  4. _REMOVED_87055
    Grats, its currently 46.4*F
    Apr 6, 2016
  5. Krysyy
    77*F inside with no breeze around 3 computers that are running and a cat that wants to sit in your lap is NOT comfortable. It makes you feel like you are suffocating. Our house is normally kept at 71 at max.
    Apr 6, 2016