Comments on Profile Post by HxCami10

  1. SkeleTin007
    It was amazing to see your face, and you are awesome :)
    Mar 19, 2016
  2. FDNY21
    Glad to hear it went well! Just a one-off or are you going to keep doing these? Going to be on the Stream Team as well as Staff? :P
    Mar 20, 2016
  3. HxCami10
    Yes sir! I am going to keep doing these :)
    Mar 20, 2016
  4. FDNY21
    Want me to add you to the Stream Team page on the Wiki? If so, I'll need your date of joining. Yesterday? :)
    Mar 20, 2016
  5. FDNY21
    I just got confirmation that you're on the team. I'll set your date of joining the team as yesterday, but if you want it changed, let me know!
    Mar 20, 2016
  6. HxCami10
    I as gonna say it was Feb 22nd when I got the invite :P
    Mar 20, 2016
  7. FDNY21
    I'll change the date to February the 22nd now :D
    Mar 20, 2016
  8. HxCami10
    Thanks man! :D
    Mar 20, 2016
  9. FDNY21
    No worries, all is done! :D
    Mar 20, 2016