Sep 18, 2011
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On to greener pastures

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Bronze Forum Member
, Male, from On to greener pastures

Moo. May 3, 2024 at 6:32 PM

    1. JabrZer0
      Happy Birthday!
    2. 10101Link10101
      Happy Late B-day
    3. alexhuac
      Why??!! our event... (seriously crying)
    4. 621op
      Happy happy birthday to icc
    5. ilikevideogames
      Oh. Happy birthday!
    6. Malicaii12
      Happy birthday, man. :)
    7. ilikevideogames
      Your icon just looks wrong...
    8. master913
      ive pmed you please read it its urgent :/
    9. mark7777
      hi i got banned from empire minecraft for apparently flying when i never had the mod or anything i love the server and i dont like being banned for something i didnt do if only you could unban me i would be very grateful/thankful Yours sincerley (Mark7777
      1. marknaaijer likes this.
      2. JackBiggin
        This is the incorrect way to appeal. You need to send the moderator that banned you a PM. This is not a PM.
        Jun 9, 2012
      3. copherfield
        Adding to Jack, A ban for hacking (flying) is only applicable when enough prooves are given, Go find other servers where you can fly because EMC it's not the place for you.
        Jun 10, 2012
    10. Mittenkitty
      Sorry to bother again but I have PMed
    11. veteranmina
      May I know what plugin you are using to control the "use" of what players can control? I am making a server and I don't want my friend (whom is annoying) to mess with my house
      1. JackBiggin
        Most plugins are custom coded by JustinGuy. If you're talking about use flag on reses, EMC uses a highly modified version of the 'Residence' Bukkit plugin.
        Jun 8, 2012
    12. warlockmii
      i would like you or justin to give me the empireminecraft coding. I want this because i want to create a empireminecraft server on tekkit, allowing people to have a wider range of things to do. It will only be a small server and it will have full credit to vanilla empireminecraft. If I get the code I will try to get a prerelease by september and a final release by Christmas.
      1. xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and stephan9r9r like this.
      2. warlockmii
        I made this public to see whether people will support this, for those who want to know why this is public and not in private conversation
        Jun 6, 2012
    13. stephan9r9r
      it was never officially answered... Is this going to fix the mob spawn thing?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. stephan9r9r
        the glitch that caused mobs not to despawn when out of loading distance from any player, and in turn no more mobs spawning unless "manually removed" ;)
        Jun 6, 2012
      3. ClickZzHD
        Jun 6, 2012
      4. stephan9r9r
        lol HOPFULLY now so my slime spawner starts working -_-
        Jun 6, 2012
    14. diamond_hunter33
      Hey this is probably a thing for Justin but I cant post there so I was wondering about a possible free app for apple lke this site on a iPad or iPod it would be really helpful
    15. 621op
      When are ya gonna announce the other annoucment
    16. InnerFlame
      I was banned 1 year ago from getting into an argument with another member. This server always has been my favorite. Im not saying that to get back in but because it's true. It realy pains me because I still am not accepted Into the servers. I would realy appreciate it if I became unbanned.
      1. roblikescake
        Jun 4, 2012
    17. WeirdManiac
      I need help, every time I try to get into a server, it says "Disconnected by Server Your IP adress is flagged as unsafe by" Please help?
      1. roblikescake
        That means that you are trying to access the server via a known proxy and the server is blocking access through that proxy. Or, at least, to my knowledge that's what it means.
        Jun 4, 2012
      2. JackBiggin
        From what I've heard, it means that Spamhaus has detected your IP being virus-ridden.
        Jun 5, 2012
    18. texy45
      Hi IceCreamCow. I drew a picture for the I love EMC contest. it is a tribute to you. i hope you like it. Please go look at you.
      Thank you,

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  • About

    On to greener pastures
    My name is Jeremy and I'm a game-a-holic. My friends and I like to play fun games in our spare time and record the shenanigans that come from them.

    We have a wide variety of games we enjoy recording and try and hit up all the 'big' ones when we can, like the COD, GTA, Minecraft, etc.

    Our goal is humor, which is sometimes a bit on the mature side, especially depending on the game. Feel free to give us a sub if you'd like and let us know if you like our videos. :)

