Comments on Profile Post by TehrandomX

  1. WolfInAction
    Why? :o
    Mar 1, 2016
  2. TehrandomX
    Applied for a school, got into none. Got sent to one that's crappy. I get better grades than most people in my class and they got into better schools. Logic? (although not trying to be bigheaded about the grades part. It's really what my teachers tell my parents...).
    Mar 1, 2016
  3. WolfInAction
    Wow, thats terrible. I wish I could help but I've never gotten into a situation like that. Well good luck! Over time Im sure a school will realize how talented and smart you actually are. They are stupid for not realizing that in the first place.
    Mar 1, 2016
  4. TehrandomX
    You're too kind :) Thank you. One of my friends got it worse though. She's crying because she got one of the worst schools in London. I feel really bad for her...
    Mar 1, 2016
  5. WolfInAction
    Aww, well good luck!
    Mar 1, 2016