Comments on Profile Post by wonderwoman_16

  1. ShyguytheGamer1
    She stopped playing sadly, She jneeds time with her husband ;)
    Dec 17, 2015
  2. wonderwoman_16
    Aikar did it.
    Dec 17, 2015
  3. ShyguytheGamer1
    Yeah, Wanna know who Max's husband is?
    Dec 17, 2015
  4. PenguinDJ
    Some staff (senior staff+) can remain staff in-game but be removed from the official staff list on the forums. A great example of this is ignoramoose.
    Dec 17, 2015
  5. ShyguytheGamer1
    Yeah...Maxarias stopped playing so Aikar (Her husband) made her from an admin to a senior staff and got removed from senior staff. And krysyy is ignoramoose's gf, so he went from a regular I think to an SS. Just saying, these things do happen
    Dec 17, 2015
  6. Dufne
    If I am not mistaken, Max DOES still handle the billing. She had that as her title for a while until someone got on Chin's account and deleted her account (along with the others). Not too sure what happened after that, but it was decided that she was to stay as Senior Staff instead of admin.
    Dec 17, 2015
  7. Dufne
    Also, Shy, moose is krysyy's fiancé (or husband, I forget) :P
    Dec 17, 2015
  8. ShyguytheGamer1
    True dufne, and moose isn't married to krysyy yet :P
    Dec 17, 2015
  9. xHaro_Der
    Following the trend, is it safe to conclude that spouses (more or less) of admins are declared senior staff automatically?
    Dec 17, 2015