Comments on Profile Post by WolfInAction

  1. BlinkyBinky
    I dyed mine red, but not to intentionally make it look like Marlix lol.
    Dec 8, 2015
  2. Dufne
    I've done that with all my voter's armor. :P
    Dec 8, 2015
  3. NuclearBobomb
    @blinkyblinky same.
    Dec 11, 2015
  4. D_ceased
    I've been doing that on my singleplayer world ever since I discovered EMC and found Marlix's Armor. I even used MCEdit to change the font of the armor and add custom lore to it =P Like, if I wanted to, I could remake all the EMC armor perfectly in Singleplayer, aside from the custom attributes (Soulbound, Final, etc) xD
    Jan 2, 2016
  5. WolfInAction
    Lol, All my voters armor is dyed to look like the marlix armor. Everyone always complements me on my marlix armor heheh.
    Jan 2, 2016
  6. D_ceased
    I am 101% certain that khixan did the same thing with hers...
    ...and that's with a 1% margin of error :D
    Jan 2, 2016