Comments on Profile Post by BathroomSkiing

  1. AverageWalrus
    Why must the world be so cruel
    Oct 27, 2015
  2. BathroomSkiing
    The world of bad computers is a cruel, cruel place. Especially cruel when you're halfway done a really nice song including a bass guitar, drums, timpani, piano, harpsichord and trumpet (weird combo of instruments, but it sounded very good).
    Oct 27, 2015
  3. Hashhog
    You could try MuseScore for all your composition needs. :) It's pretty good, in my opinion, and better yet, it's free! :P
    Oct 28, 2015
  4. BathroomSkiing
    I shall definitely check it out. I'm more than willing to pay money for a good one as well. Thanks for the tip. :)
    Oct 28, 2015