Comments on Profile Post by ReeXz

  1. Gawadrolt
    I don't know if Albert Einstein is the person to quote on that? Maybe, I do know that memes like to put pictures of people on quotes that happen to be in. Insanity is actually a pretty broad spectrum of weird behaviors :D
    Sep 11, 2015
  2. ReeXz
    There must be a psychiatrist on EMC that could define insanity correctly if you want to?
    Sep 11, 2015
  3. ReeXz
    Im not one though! :D
    Sep 11, 2015
  4. Gawadrolt
    psychologists don't define medical terms. They diagnose(usually by purely opinion) and treat (with magic pills) "disorders" (made up non-sense that is widely accepted by the medical community and those that worship it)

    Insane is a word that can mean several things. mostly it means odd more than anything else :D
    Sep 11, 2015
  5. ReeXz
    I hope they know the definition if they are going to diagnose it?
    Sep 11, 2015
  6. Gawadrolt
    I don't know that "insane" is a medical classification of a disorder. You might be looking for something along the lines of "Dementia" or a whole host of other neurological "disorders" that one might describe as insane. I don't know anyone that has been diagnosed as insane. IF this is a thing, sign me up. lol.
    Sep 11, 2015
  7. ReeXz
    LMAO... You are writing all this just mess around... You be the funny troll :)
    Sep 12, 2015