Comments on Profile Post by wonderwoman_16

  1. ShyguytheGamer1
    It has to be either Karma or Just stupidity of that kids mother letting him go to school. Take it from me, there is a load of crazies out there in this world.
    Sep 2, 2015
  2. wonderwoman_16
    Don't tell me what Karma is. And the 2nd choice is correct.
    Sep 2, 2015
  3. synth_apparition
    Or maybe the kid didn't feel ill when he left home. There's no need to call his parents stupid. Besides, what if its a cold? Staying off school because you have a cold is a pretty stupid reason.
    Sep 2, 2015
  4. wonderwoman_16
    I'm calling him and her stupid. It was a cold. And I'd stay home, it's not very nice to get other people sick.
    Sep 2, 2015
  5. synth_apparition
    It's not like the kid meant to get other people ill, is it? He can't change how a virus reproduces. And also, over here 'I have a cold' is an excuse you're not allowed to give and could result in an exclusion, so... :P
    Sep 2, 2015
  6. CadenMann
    Thing is - it may be rude to purposefully make someone ill, but it's just as rude to call him and his relatives who let him go to school rude. ;)
    Sep 2, 2015
  7. wonderwoman_16
    I'm not blaming anybody, I'm just saying a kid got me sick. It's not his fault, though.
    Sep 3, 2015