Comments on Profile Post by ShyguytheGamer1

  1. Prometha
    That's sweet of you Shy. I don't know how anything is going appeal wise, but I saw you appealed it and wish you the best. I won't ask details.
    Aug 30, 2015
  2. ShyguytheGamer1
    Good because if you did it would be the same answer as you not asking anyway...wait what? That made no sense lol
    Aug 30, 2015
  3. Prometha
    Well I figured. You're always free to send messages and talk. :)
    Aug 31, 2015
  4. ShyguytheGamer1
    I got unbanned just so you know. I'm back. It's me.
    Aug 31, 2015
  5. Prometha
    Well there ya go! Good to hear it shy. Welcome back.
    Sep 1, 2015