Comments on Profile Post by Olaf_C

  1. Olaf_C
    The distrust of politicians in my opinion started to go up after Bush took office, and what all happened with the Iraq War. In modern politics, nobody seems trustworthy, or in-touch, yet people feel they can to a billionaire who gets his military advice from television and has lied his way and abused his way to the Forbes list.
    Aug 24, 2015
  2. Olaf_C
    Donald Trump reaches out to lesser America, because they do not want to hear or be stuck in details. Politics is extremely depressing. He doesn't have a plan for most issues in our country, he does not have realistic goals or experience regarding many issues; his only upside is he knows how to make money in a capitalist environment.
    Aug 24, 2015
  3. Olaf_C
    There is a psychology to Trump, in that he is the perfect candidate, since he is a businessman. Businessman know how to flip any scenario into their favor (or at least a good businessman), and that is what trump does in interviews. He does not answer questions, and flips them into thing people want to hear. Watch Meet the Press's interview with him and the Debates to see what I am talking about.
    Aug 24, 2015
  4. Olaf_C
    The whole Trump campaign is purely based on hypothesis that sound good on paper, but not when you think of them with more detail. Trump appeals to an america that is too depressed and ignorant about the current state of our messed up world, that they want to block it out.
    Aug 24, 2015
  5. NathanRP
    Tronald Dump* I had too I'm sorry >_> I'll go back to my corner of the world now...
    Aug 24, 2015
  6. Galantisizer
    At the end of the day, it isn't make-or-brake for Chump. If he does not become president, he just goes back to being a multi-billionaire. He doesn't care about the betterment of the U.S.; he just wants power. Now, deep down in his sad, little heart, he may have a bit of love for America.
    Aug 24, 2015
  7. Galantisizer
    However, I highly doubt this. Donald Trump is openly racist. A lot of people just say "Oh, he speaks his mind, how presidential! Lets vote for Trump!" This is the kind of thing that gets countries into wars. Donald Trump may be the end of you Americans.
    Aug 24, 2015
  8. Galantisizer
    Also, because he is so rich, he has no reason to watch what he says: If he says something bad, he loses no money from his campaign; he just pays it with his own money. However, other candidates have to gain sponsorship for their campaigns, so if they slip up, they are gone.
    Aug 24, 2015
  9. Galantisizer
    America just needs some better candidates; the ones they currently have "suck", for a lack of better terms.
    Aug 24, 2015
  10. Olaf_C
    I love Bernie because he is real, but he is too left for the majority of liberals. I think Trump loves america, but is in a bubble. Americans are ignorant of how things are going pretty good in Europe for the most part, instead of trying to go back to a time that no longer works.
    Aug 24, 2015
  11. Kephras
    There is one reason, and one reason ONLY, why I would be okay with seeing him in office. It's the same reason I would've been alright with Romney as president: If ANYONE can fix our godawful mess of an economy, it's a Rich White Businessman, and Money is all that matters to them.
    Aug 26, 2015
  12. Gawadrolt
    So many people I used to find to be discerning individuals have fallen under the hollywood spell that is trump. similar to Reagan. I can only imagine the same things were thought when he was running for president, ick. Trump isn't actually running for president. He is the only card that the democratic party has and he is doing exactly what he should. He is a spoiled brat living off of daddys empire.
    Aug 26, 2015
  13. Gawadrolt
    I don't think that the problem with "Americans" stems from either political party or that either one "stands" for anything. I think the problem with "Americans" is that they want so badly to believe that that they can't see the obvious. Both parties, no matter who the candidate do the exact same thing, be them figure heads or placeholders.
    Aug 26, 2015
  14. Kephras
    I didn't say I liked the guy or plan on voting for him. :P We'd be better off with a radioactive crater for a capitol, a la Fallout 4. I just don't see that happening, however.
    Aug 26, 2015
  15. Olaf_C
    I do agree that an Ivy Leage business major is not a bad candidate for someone to manage the economy. I personally believe that the prosperity of the Reagan era is result of the tech boom.

    People have accused the trump campaign as being a false flag campaign for Hillary, but people like him more than her. If it was true, a plug would have been pulled.
    Aug 26, 2015