Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. Hey the time has come this is me =)
  2. Guess I'd better join in too :p

    Picture I took last night of me, I was quite proud of my beard until I saw Chrystianf's

    Added bonus: Here's me at Eurogamer with the Gadget Show guy! :D

    EDIT: Decided to take some pictures with my cat

    She decided escape was more fun than me, then headbutted my hand to take this picture xD

  3. Don't know why the first pic came out so large btw, it was really small on imgur...
  4. we spent the day at a water park today :)

  5. Most people thought I was a guy cuz of my old skin...but nope that was just of Jesus lol I'm 100% female and this is mee!!

  6. lol.
  7. Haven't posted here in a while, so take a picture from Corolla, NC:
  8. Work clothes, bathroom selfie, and a potato quality picture. Can it get any more cliche?

  9. Maybe if you threw in some aviator sunglasses...
  10. I gotchu, death. Gives me a reason to post this pic lol
  11. I'm glad you posted this, now I don't have to walk all the way to my car to get them :p #FirstWorldProblems
    mba2012 likes this.

  12. There me's and a cactus in Wellton Arizona, that was the first time I hopped a train, almost got arrested.

    there I am pointing at a homeless guy named Rustle sleeping on some lady's couch who let us stay at her house, my brother met the lady on tinder cause he's smooth af
  13. oh ya and im alive
  14. Dayum. Make a grand story at the end of this adventure. 10/10 will read and buy
  15. That sentence was absolutely wild from start to finish.

  16. Me and boy :D
    We went trail running last night and found this :)
  17. This was taken on 30th June... selfie :)
    Alyattayla, highlancer54, 607 and 7 others like this.
  18. I like to call this one.... The Thinker.
    607 and Lachlan61 like this.
  19. Wow. You still in the 20th Century? We have colored pics now. :p
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