Avatar Giveaway

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by HelloKittyRo2, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. Since I reached 10 followers, as I have said, I will do an avatar giveaway! All you have to do to participate is leave a happy message down in the comments, and I'll choose one randomly!
    Here are some examples of what I can do:

    Good luck!
  2. Good work final arc
  3. can u make me one?
    Look for me on smp7 when u can for my skin
  4. hey they're so cool! I'm totally following you :D
  5. I would love one of these! Your work is amazing, whoever wins is privileged to get such great work from you! :D
  6. Woot, Woot, Can't even imagine my animated self, animated:confused: Nice work too!
  7. [ Happy message here ] :)
  8. I'll choose a winner tomorrow at around 1-2PM EMC time! As I already said, good luck!
    Defne_The_Boss and luckycordel like this.
  9. AHAHAHAHA I have no skill.
  10. Those are cool, i want one! ;) Good luck everyone
  11. Love the avatars!
  12. Congrats on 10 followers! You deserve them :3
  13. Nice, I like them! :)
  14. I'll just put this here, because I definitely don't already have one of these. •3•
    FinalArc likes this.
  15. *slides into the thread*
    Cutie bear does avatars? :3
    607, FinalArc, Kytula and 1 other person like this.
  16. Nope :p I'm just that one guy ^-^ But I can do an imgur gallery of my artwork
    Defne_The_Boss likes this.
  17. I might do a signature giveaway as well if I reach another milestone ^-^
    Defne_The_Boss likes this.