the last 3 lvl 40+ enchantments i have gotten have been unbreaking 3... like wtf (what the fudge) have the odds been changed?
Well, enchanting has always been random but hmm, before 1.2.4 i always got silktouch with lvl 30,but now i always get unbreaking3, efficiency3-4 with lvl 30. But dunno, im 90% sure that nothing has been changed, just random luck i guess
They seem down to me and I never enchant below lever 43. I got a EFF III Pickaxe for a level 50 enchant Monday and was like WTF!!!
I have noticed that I seem to keep getting the same enchant over and over. The other day, I got 3 fortune II picks. Also, I now have FIVE bane of arth V swords. Something is wonky, for sure!