If You Are A Good Or Creative Builder, READ THIS!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by wipple4, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. He said it was a 4 week job ... and your paying maximum of 10000 if he supplies his own materials. Pretty sure that aint gonna pull off.
  2. I honestly think that your system of payment if bogus. You want someone to slap on a few pieces of wool and a few paintings and based on how you think it looks you will pay them what you think. I don't think that that is right. That is a very socialist idea. What you should do is download the world via WorldDownloader Mod post an AdFly Download and get screenshots of their builds in YOUR "Square Block" in creative. You are basically saying that the builder can spend a ridiculous amount of money on items and they may still lose money after you pay them because 1) You don't like it or 2) You are scamming them and will say it stinks so you don't have to pay too much.
  3. Before:



    AlexHallon, Qwertyip and B4DMAN5IMON like this.
  4. well no because if i have seen some of thier work (purpose of this) i will already have a amount in mind i am talking with the person who gets the job and we are aqreeing how much cost on materials and adding that on to not make him loose money! Pluss if you have read the entire post (i dont think anyone has) you would know what i mean! If you think this is a bad idea cool, but i dont! And also i will know roughly the amount someone spends because i will see. so from this picture youve posted i wouldnt give you a penny, becuase first i wouldnt hire you with this and second YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
  5. so what about my attempt at "decorating" a wooden block? I deserve recognition for my significant efforts... It took me many minutes of hard work after all.
    AlexHallon and jackomighty like this.
  6. I think you should offer 10K, 3K, 8K, etc... Whatever you want, but SOLID. By offering based on your opinion, you simply could say you didn't like it, and just waste everyone's time! :) I mean nothing harsh by this, but I believe it would be best
  7. wipple4, I'm wiping my hands of you, those of us who are actual builders do and have read all of your so called instructions, but you havn't even given dimensions on what you want doing, let alone a brief on how you want it decorating.
    I will happily say I own one of the prettiest residences in EMC and have been paid huge amounts of rupees to build people things as well.
    Your offering of 1000 rupees for what you consider a 10 residence is a slap in the face to any respectable builder. I would seriously reconsider your stand point with hiring builders on the forum, if you want some rubbish for 1000 rupees do a shout out on your server and a new player will happily come and build you something (and most likely loot your residence for some actual profit).
    cnicholls_uk likes this.
  8. Are you sure you have one of the prettiest on emc. Thats a strong accusation to make, you mean the residence at 3028 ?
  9. It is, a big accusation and i stand by it as would a lot of other people on EMC.
    I own a collective of 4, if you /v 3153 you can walk around them all.
  10. On SMP6 ? ... Visit12498!
  11. It's definitely nice , no doubt about that. But i've spent time on other servers and seen some beautiful creations. Nothing personal, but in my eyes i wouldn't class it as anything more than a 5/10 . And to be honest that was a rather rude post. You were kicking off when you could have said nothing. Then made claims your a "real builder" and your res was the best. Chill out !
  12. On SMP6 ? ... Visit12498! awesome prices!best penthouse ever! - THENIN10DOMASTUR gold supporter
  13. umm... the last day of the voting made it up to 10,000r and that is what the job will almost definatly be getting so... your loss
  14. Sorry this has ended noone has got the job anymore i have 1 fellow minecrafter who may get it you have took to long to tell me good day!
  15. what about my efforts? :(
  16. come on
    i mark you

  17. :oops::( !! I'm sad now

    is it because the painting was not centred on the wooden block!? :(
    Beth_Meg_xd and Rkramer7792 like this.
  18. BTW im about to pay 10k