[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Carthaga teams
    Hello guys, another team update (if you dont know the concept anymore, please look it back - http://empireminecraft.com/threads/est-outpost-people-of-carthaga-poc.39372/page-42 -

    I have made the two teams with a random generator, and I have put in all people that are coal rank, so that we know they are active and do things in carthaga. If you think that is unfair (I have seen some names I was surprised they arent coal rank), please PM me or kaizimir.

    The teams:
    BLACK team (made it red so it is readable :p)

    WHITE team

    Jury consisting of:

    Yes, team 1 has one player more, I noticed :)
    If you are in this list but dont want to participate, PM me so I can remove you from the list.
    Patr1cV, Kaizimir and crafter31211 like this.
  2. Carthaga teams [Contest]
    To get in touch with your new team-mates, we have a semi-contest ;)
    Update time! Take a look at the pictures here http://empireminecraft.com/threads/est-outpost-people-of-carthaga-poc.39372/ . Carthaga doesn't look like this anymore for a long time. We need new pictures showing the modern face of the city.

    The task:
    Make a screenshot of the city that best represents for you the modern Carthaga.
    Every team can post a total of 10 pictures!
    The winners:
    Winners will be chosen by a jury consisting of haastregt and Kaizimir. 3 winning pictures will replace the pictures above the map.

    The prize:
    Your screenshot will be on page #1 post #1 of the Carthaga thread

    Tips and rules:
    -Shaders and texturepacks are allowed (but, make sure the building can still be recognized at default!)
    -You may send someone in to do it all, but you can also all take some pictures and choose which one are the best.
    -Dont go crazy taking pictures, you only have 10 shots, so carefully take a place and make sure it will give a good idea to carthaga! It will become a sort of landmark :D
    -You have untill 12:00PM 18 December the time to send the pictures.
    -You MAY edit, but make sure it isnt to much

    I will try to get a example up ;)
    Patr1cV and Kaizimir like this.
  3. Changed date!
    next contest will be starting in January, at the start of the year
    Patr1cV and Kaizimir like this.

  4. little update to the towers that Kai helped with
    Kaizimir likes this.
  5. I'll pass on any contests at this time, got some stuff to do at my new place. But, you should talk to Kai about a small(lul) terraforming project could seperate the land into two sections(Put red wool down the middle?), which ever team does their land first, wins?

    Do you have a full plan them for? (as in layout, height plan etc)

    you going to start over at red clay(thats what it looks like you're dooing, Red clay/Netherbrick/Quartz/Netherbrick, then starting over at red clay) the entire way up? if so, what more do y'all need material wise? looking forwards to the finished project!
    Airgasious likes this.
  6. I mostly need Spruce log's and green glass/dye
  7. Is it just cactus green?
  8. Ye
  9. We just post the pictures on the website right?
    Kaizimir likes this.
  10. Just PM them to me and kai, if we got them all, we will judge (if you post here people could try to copy)
    Patr1cV and AshBlue789 like this.
  11. I have an alt (ethepuffle678)
  12. ty for including my name on a team, but i respectfully decline as i do not play nor build in carth. good luck and have fun
  13. http://empireminecraft.com/threads/auction-dc-of-sand.45668/ :D
    Kaizimir likes this.
  14. I can't see anything in blue :/
    Kaizimir likes this.
  15. Hey guys, just a quick reminder from The_H3r0.

    Please, when you quote huge messages, type "-snip-", so it replaces the multitude of text, therefore making it much easier to scroll through the thread without seeing the post over and over again.

    Note: This was not said by Kaizimir, but I think that he may agree with me.

    For example:
    I know that many of you already do this, but for the rest of you, please try it!

    If there is a specific line of text that you'd like to display, then delete everything but that. Thanks!
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  16. Yes, the 1000th post on the 50th page. Had to reserve the spot :p

    We broke our own little record and not many projects or outposts receive so many replies and views. The thread itself tells a little history of the city and the People of Carthaga. It shows that this is a great community with good people. All posts are very respectful, friendly and inviting. No drama to be found here. And I hope that the logs in the opening posts will continue to fill up and grow.

    With the power of this enthusiastic and dedicated community we became the second biggest frontiers outpost on the EMC forums. Congratulations, everybody!

    If actual activity was measured, we even had been ranked #1 for large parts of this year.

    Thanks to all of you,

  17. Noooo I had planed to take the 1000th post but I'll settle with 1001 because it's a palendrome
  18. haastregt likes this.
  19. The Carthaga Times: (The Long Awaited) Edition #5 has been Released!

    To get yourself a copy of Edition #5, go to Residence 8097 or 9500 on SMP4 and buy a copy for 30 Rupees. Any members of Carthaga can pick up their copy for free at the local Carthaga Newsstand.

    If you would like to apply to be a writer for The Carthaga Times, please PM me.
  20. I removed you from the list

    changed it to lighter blue but I dont want to change it to white because that is the colour of one of the teams
    Patr1cV and Scorpio528 like this.