3 Year AMA - Giveaway

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Roslyn, Nov 30, 2014.


Additional DP?

What do you even have to drop? 3 vote(s) 13.6%
Wait till christmas for the Christmas Secret Santa Giveaway? 19 vote(s) 86.4%
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  1. Congrats South :)
    southpark347 likes this.
  2. You should throw a big party, 50r to join, random book with ''winner'' in title, signed by you, and person who mails it gets all of the rupee donations.used to enter party and decorate. I would donate a couple k for fun :D
  3. I'm sorry, I am just stupid I guess.
  4. Still more #'s to be filled
  5. Ill take #60 sounds nice What is your favorite animal including animals that may or may not be real like mythical things included
    southpark347 likes this.
  6. Phoenix xD
  7. forgot to bump this! Prize will be 50k :)
  8. 54, why is your doodie stinky
    southpark347 likes this.
  9. Dooooooooood.
  10. Do you like south park?

    Number 55 Please!
    southpark347 likes this.
  11. I don't like it that much anymore
  12. Last Bump till drawing in the morning.
  13. 39 Please!

    Question: What are some of your favourite hobbies that not many people know? (Please don't tell anything you don't want to tell :3)
    southpark347 likes this.
  14. Its removing fake people from my life. I hate them.
    Sunny_Chicken and MrWhosAwesome like this.
  15. OK, why do I have to ask a question to be in the competition?
  16. Do you play either Dota, TF2 or Skyrim?

    southpark347 likes this.
  17. 100! Whats ue fav smo and do u remember me :3
    southpark347 likes this.
  18. Its an AMA.
    I don't know what an SMO is but if thats a Typo and you mean Smp, it would be Smp8. I don't remember sorry :S

    Okay that concludes the AMA, Ill be selecting a random number. Sorry I am doing this late. I woke up with a cold and I've been feeling rather ill today.
  19. Heh, grats on the 3 years.
    I don't need a number but got questions :p.

    What was your favorite things to do, and what do you spend most of your time doing?
    What do you have planned for the next 3 years!!!!!

    See ya around! :D
    southpark347 likes this.
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