[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Hex022103, I sent you the starters guide including the way description. Welcome in Carthaga.
  2. Hey Sweets, I wish to participate. For exchanging the presents we could put up a few chests. Everyone that wants to play claims one of the chests (sign with your name+PM to Sweets) and puts their present in the chest of the person they got chosen for. Of course, nobody is allowed to look into the chests before Santa day.
    We could do it on the second floor of the Inn + some Christmas decoration.?

    Edit: Here is the link to the Secret Santa poll.
  3. 1. IGN: Bandoro
    2. Timezone: GMT +1 (amsterdam)
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: for 2 years now
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason:No i have never been banned or warned in any kind of way!
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: I would like to build infrastructure and big things in need of the town.(new homes, buildings, workplaces, farms and monumental things.)
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Building and Mining.
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: I want to be part of a actual town instead of the normal tonw and it is survival based which is fun.
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: The 7th one Stay active!
  4. Finally, new weekly missions with creative section is up:

  5. Always wanted to make/join an outpost.

    IGN: colepuncher
    Timezone: Central time
    Been playing minecraft since January 24, 2014
    Been kicked: for trying to connect to stage :p
    Planning to have a mega-mall 12217 SMP6
    Favorite Minecraft activity: EMC
    I want to join PoC because I want to live in the frontier.
    Number 1 is most important to me.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. I think I want to give carthaga some names. I can place the names in the sky so that you can read it on maps and stuff to
    Patr1cV likes this.
  7. going to PM just in case..
  8. I'd love to look into the "design for a big house like a museum or library".
    Who wants to join in?

    @Kai: A bit more information will be required though - for instance size, location or its designated use...
  9. Please note, for the Secret Santa event being held in Carthaga...

    Please do not get any inappropriate or mean gifts for the name you are given. If you do not like a specified player, then please note me here in the forums, in a private chat, or in-game, and we can change this.

    There is no spending limit, but it is highly recommended not to go overboard spending rupees for this, knowing full-well you may need the money for a later use.

    Also, please do not go too stingy for a gift. It is the thought that counts, yes :D?

    For all participants:

    Kaizimir will receive a list of names of everyone being in the event, and will give everyone a name to get a gift for. Please do not request for names, because that is not allowed. The point of this event is not only to give everyone a thoughtful, kind-hearted gift, but to also express yourself among other members, and get to know them.

    Please have fun and remember...

    Be Cherry Merry, not Bad Vlad! (Vlad is Dracula's real name, when he was a human.)
    colepuncher likes this.
  10. 1. tamraaa
    2. eastern
    3. a couple years
    4. never been kicked or banned
    5. plan to build a luxurious big house
    6. mining for goodies :)
    7. to join a great community
    8. have fun and respect others items and no griefing


    (referred to you by SEPTHEKID)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. Excellent :) Can't wait to hear some names...

    Yes, I will start a PM with you about it ;)

    Welcome tamraa, I sent you the starter's guide with the way description. Hope to meet you soon.
  12. Hey, sorry about the delay with the lighthouse and skyscraper,
    I was out camping for a week, I'll get back on the jobs soon!
    Kaizimir and Airgasious like this.
  13. Heya, hope you had a great time and glad you are back. Don't worry about the projects, they are still there ;) I got some more quartz, but I think the light house has reached a decent height and we can start constructing the cabin. Maybe you want to speak to one of our redstone specialist for the lighting mechanism, or maybe you have something in mind yourself :D
    See ya soon
  14. 2014-11-23_10.01.54.png
    There you are, been looking all over for you!!!
    Kaizimir and Floh_Zirkus like this.
  15. Ty, I did have a great time.. But it's even better to be back at home.

    Sounds great, I'll do that :). I'll try finish the skyscraper :D
    Kaizimir likes this.
  16. Member list updated with:
    55. toby316625
    56. harsh900 (coal)
    57. Hex022103
    58. Bandoro
    59. colepuncher

    Congratulations :)

    Here is some progress of the ongoing projects:

    It is amazing how much detail Scorpio puts into this! This is really nice because sometimes people get lost on the tracks. If I am correctly informed, the rail is halfway finished, too. Great work!

    The Carthaga towers by SEP have progressed too and are already a good representation for the PoC in smp-town.

    The sky scraper, a group project by Electric_Red21, flamekirby7 and Rainbowpony is growing and soon will offer a lot of space for new activities.

    If you feel like helping out with these projects please contact the organizing members.
    Scorpio528 and Rainbowpony1000 like this.
  17. You could help me out by getting an SC of glass ;)
  18. we are in the new house and net is working again i have alot of unpacking to do now but will try to be on from time to time till we are set in then i will have more free time i also started a new job monday working for the town of midland so when it snows i will have to go to work but when that happens all i see if $$$$ signs lol have a good one all and glad to be part of such a good group of people
    Kaizimir likes this.
  19. See now, If you were not using sphax then my build will look a bit ugly, but if are; It looks boss

    P.S Get sphax X-MAS texture pack
    Kaizimir likes this.