[1111 Days Contest] Eclipsys' 1111th EMC Day!!!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Eclipsys, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. We'll that's good then :D
  2. Alright Eclipsys, I thought about it. And you shall be doomed for making me think. My main goal is to not do that to often. You know the madness takes over and stuff... BUT I found the MC item that shall be fitting to you.

    This item is your counter part. Your dark little evil twin.

    Let me explain why that is.

    First of all you love symmetry. You celebrate your 666th day, your 1111th day. Your builds are mostly symmetrical. You cant work with my builds where you cant find 2 blocks in symmetry in the entire build (Exaggeration is art! Don't complain!), and so on. Since it has no symmetry, you will hate it. Which is a prerequisit for an dark little evil twin.
    Sorry its not shears, because shears are symmetric.

    This item is like you... very good at taking down unloved or unfinished projects.

    Really its not shears! Sheers can't take down anything, they cant even break leaves!

    Another trait it has in common it starts a burning flame, like you, when you make people burn with passion for your projects.

    Still not convinced? Well you can cut your finger, but that wont start a fire of passion!

    Further more it sticks around with you forever since it seems it never breaks. Even if you leave it in a chest forever it will pop up when you need it.

    STOP TRYING TO MAKE SHEARS HAPPEN! Shears don't stick with you, they manage to vanish while you are watching them!

    The last important thing your dark little evil twin has in common with you, is that only maniacs actually work with it. As such a maniac myself, I send you my best regards!

    My MC gift item to you is:

    :eek:Your evil twin is FLINT AND STEEL :eek:
    Flint and Steel doesn't create a fire of passion? What is about a passion for water while ignited? *troll*

    Eclipsys likes this.
  3. Quartz Ore
    A rare nice little treasure that is perfect with any and every build
    Eclipsys likes this.
  4. That was a read
    Eclipsys likes this.
  5. The winners are as follows :D!

    The rupees will be sent when I get online!

    Thanks all for participating :D
  6. Thankyou! :D